Getting personalized analytics to the right people, at the right time, in the right format
APOS Publisher for SAP Analytics Cloud automates highly scalable processes for broadcasting personalized SAP Analytics Cloud reports to end users in a collaborative team environment. Dynamic, security driven processes with strict filters provide SAP Analytics broadcasting capabilities and help administrators ensure recipients get only the data to which they are entitled. Broadcast designers from different departments and groups can safely collaborate and share data securely on one enterprise system.
APOS Publisher for Cloud supports broadcasting:

Personalized Distribution
Dynamic, data driven process provides personalized analytics exclusively to the people who need it, when they need it at their preferred destinations

Strategic Timing
Tailored reports delivered at strategic times for maximum impact on decision making and job execution

Tailored Format
Consumers receive the information they need in the convenient and specific format they require for immediate use, removing connection barriers

Horizontal and vertical scalability to meet growing information demands with optimized performance and redundancy

Secure Collaboration
Multiple broadcast designers can securely collaborate on content and safely share data sources with execution governed by IT

Dynamic Flexibility
Handle unique and changing scenarios, control and change filtering and distribution by controlling the data which automatically drives the process
without burdening users or IT resources
Hunt LNG reduced IT burden while achieving automated, timely distribution of critical operational data and events to SAC and non-SAC users in the office and in the field - Read more
A seamless, data-driven solution for NLMK automated personalized, time-critical broadcasts to customers in preferred formats - Read more
APOS Publisher for Cloud Overview
Personalize Bursting
Personalize information distribution with data-driven processes. For example, burst personalized stories to doctors, nurses and administrators to provide timely, critical information. Send oil rig workers low-bandwidth, ready-to-use, scheduled information updates.
Simplify Administration
Liberate IT from labor-intensive processes.
Create a Flexible Messaging Environment
Attain far greater flexibility than you can with simple scheduling.
Burst Stories with Multiple Filters
Use the same page within an SAP Analytics Cloud story multiple times with different filters to personalize content for users and groups.
Automate Secure Information Delivery
Dynamic, data-driven processes allow you to automate the secure delivery of messages.
Automate Changes through Data
Adjust bursting automatically when the data driving the bursting processes changes.
Simplify the User Experience
Remove barriers to connection, and liberate users from the need for analytics expertise. Web-based User Interface allows simplified self-service scheduling and broadcasting.
Deliver Timely Information
Deliver timely information through automated bursting processes.
Burst Conditionally
Enable conditional bursting based on KPIs and pre-defined thresholds.
Improve User Convenience
Enable offline consumption of information.
Collate Stories
Burst pages from multiple stories as a single document.
Use Multiple Formats & Destinations
Provide information to users in the format and to the location that is most useful to them. For example, send Excel spreadsheets to users who need to further analyze data. Send PDFs via email to external partners having no access to your SAP Analytics Cloud platform.
Formats include:
- Excel
- Word
- PowerPoint
- Rich Text (RTF)
- Image in email
Destinations Include:
- Email
- Secure FTP (FTPS)
- File location
Personalize PowerPoint Bursting
Use custom templates for bursting PowerPoint presentations.
Customize HTML Email Bursting
Gain full control of email message formatting, including dynamically generated links.
Embed Images in Email
Embed images of pages from your story into the body of email messages.
Extract Data to Excel
Enable downloading large tables/grids to Excel.
Click here to view short videos describing these core broadcasting capabilities
Enhanced Security
Create individual user profiles and define groups to segregate users across business units and sub-units, with specific access roles to folders.
Shared & Private Data Sources
Data sources contain information such as email addresses, filter values, destinations & format settings, SAC story IDs and model names, dimension names, which are used to drive the bursting process. Data sources can be made public and shared with an authorized group, or kept private for personal use, or in preparation for sharing with a group.
Shared & Private Folders
Public folders enable authorized user groups to collaborate in building bursting definitions and broadcasting content. Private folders allow individuals to build their own bursting definitions for either personal use or in preparation for sharing with a group.
BW User-Based Broadcasting
Automatically broadcast BW-based stories based on BW authorizations on behalf of BW users while retaining their authorizations. Also available to support other live data sources.
Horizontal and vertical scalability enables extensive growth capacity, and yeilds increased throughput and redundancy for a true enterprise experience. Strenghten a processing machine with additional RAM and cores to increase your processing capability, or add additional processing and scheduling servers for even more capacity and additional redundancy for the process.
Enhanced Scheduling
Scheduling is tightly integrated with granular tracking of processing activity, auditing, and monitoring of the scheduling activity with great control over the process and failure recovery.
Granular Monitoring
Live, granular monitoring of the schedule execution provides indication of the exact stage of processing of the broadacsting definition and live running total of the sent documents within the broadcast process.
Logging and History
Full audit information for the broadcast process is provided, with the automatic ability for retries.
Upcoming Feature
Scheduling & broadcasting SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office reports
Support for scheduling and broadcasting SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office (AfO) reports brings the rich features of APOS Publisher for Cloud to Analysis for Office users. This functionality removes barriers for organizations wishing to move beyond their SAP BusinessObjects deployment and move forward into SAP Analytics Cloud. Existing BEx Broadcaster deployments can also move ahead with their adoption of Analysis for Office with this new support. Learn more
Modernizing BEx Broadcasting for SAP BW/4HANA
BEx Reports and BEx Broadcaster capabilities are not available in SAP BW/4HANA. APOS Publisher for Cloud provides a replacement for BEx broadcasting workflows, enabling important communications to continue, and allowing organizations to distribute reports to a wide variety of users, partners and customers as part of their move to SAP BW/4HANA. Learn more
Beyond BusinessObjects:
Advanced Scheduling & Broadcasting of Analysis for Office Reports
Leverage the enterprise broadcasting capabilities of APOS Publisher for Cloud to schedule and distribute SAP Analysis for Office reports.
Download now
SAP Analytics Cloud
Report Broadcasting
Expand report broadcasting capabilities with greater flexibility, availability, scalability and higher volume.
Download now
Developing a BEx Broadcasting Replacement Strategy
Extend SAP Analytics access and replace BEx Broadcaster for BW/4HANA workflows.
Download now
Click here to view short videos describing these enterprise report broadcasting capabilities
Learn more with the Extend Analytics Content with Broadcasting and Publishing Webinar Series (on demand)
Our SAP Analytics Cloud deployment focused on the reports that needed to be in place on our Go-Live date. We used SAC to populate dashboards with drill-down capabilities for execution and middle management, but we needed to find a way to get this information out reliably to our field superintendents. APOS Publisher for Cloud easily filled this gap in our requirements.
Chris James, Senior Manager, Application Technology, Precision Drilling

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Precision Drilling Success Story
Solution Architecture
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APOS Publisher for SAP Analytics Cloud Architecture
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Aerospace Industry Success Story
Secure visualizations & performance metrics across the design & manufacturing landscape Read more
Maximum efficiency with timely, customized,
automated stakeholder reports Read more
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Agricultural Manufacturer Success Story
Replacing BEx Broadcaster in an SAP BW/4HANA environment - Read more
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Retail and Wholesale Group Success Story
Broadcasting SAC visualizations & reports to large network of stores & executives - Read more
Why Bursting Is Important
APOS Publisher for Cloud bursting uses automated, dynamic, data-driven processes to push personalized SAP Analytics Cloud content out to the appropriate people at the appropriate time in appropriate formats and to appropriate destinations. Bursting ensures that your people get the timely information they need (and only the information they need) to excel in their work. Bursting enables scenarios in which personalized analytics information can be consumed offline in the formats most useful to the recipients. Bursting removes barriers to connection and simplifies the user experience: users do not need power-user expertise in analytics to get the information they need when they need it.
Bursting is low maintenance, because it is data driven. You can “set it and forget it,” because as the data driving the processes changes, the bursting process adjusts automatically. Bursting accomplishes far more than scheduling by serving personalized tranches of information. Scheduling pushes information to a static list of users, and scheduling changes are labor- and time-intensive. Achieving bursting’s dynamic flexibility would be prohibitively labor- and time-intensive if attempted with scheduling.
APOS Publisher for Cloud bursting is doubly liberating: it relieves IT of labor-intensive processes, and it relieves users of the need to search for information – information comes to them.

Hybrid BI & Analytics Bursting
How you can use APOS Publisher for Cloud to merge SAP BI & SAP Analytics Cloud content. Read now

Hybrid BI & Analytics Publishing - Better Time to Value
Bursting is a push process that gets the right content to the right people at the right time and in the right format, adding fast value to your SAP Analytics Cloud stories. Read now
You are in good company
Some of the hundreds of organizations using APOS well managed BI solutions across the globe: