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APOS Insight Elements - Free

SAP BusinessObjects System Metrics

APOS Insight Elements provides SAP Business Objects system metrics for objects, schedules and instances, and enables report processing window analysis. Taken together, these capabilities can make the difference between reacting to events within your BI system and managing your BI system proactively to deliver better, quicker, and more efficient service.

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As an SAP BusinessObjects platform manager or administrator, one of your great challenges is to develop a granular understanding of your system. Growing BI volume and complexity also make it essential that you form a full and real-time understanding of your system and its operations so you can both manage it effectively in the present and plan for future growth.

APOS Insight Elements is a great first step in understanding your SAP BusinessObjects system, and a great help as you work toward a progressive BI strategy and a well managed BI deployment.
Try it. It's free.

Deep System Knowledge - What You Need to Know

APOS Insight Elements lets you understand clearly the status of the key building blocks in your Business Objects system. Use slice-in-time views of your SAP BusinessObjects deployment to gather complete inventories and statistics:

  • Inventory all objects, including report objects, user group objects, folders, categories, and business view objects
  • Use object data to compare historical folder/object structures from different points in time
  • Inventory all report schedules within the system
  • Use schedule data to determine peak server usage as a step toward optimizing server performance
  • Inventory all report instances within the system
  • Use instance data to determine report usage patterns and know which reports are used the most, and which are rarely used
  • Look at the processing activity for a particular time and day and compare that processing activity with other times and days to form a picture of bursts, if they exist, and to reduce processing bottlenecks
  • Use inventories and analysis to initiate a systematic clean-up of your BI deployment to plan for migration, safeguard the health of your system, and prepare for growth.

Your SAP BusinessObjects BI deployment provides your information consumers with a unified view of your corporate reality so they can make informed decisions with real-time data. APOS Insight provides an accurate picture of the state of your BI deployment, so you can make sure it is running at optimal efficiency.

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