Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Managing SAP BI Security – Bulk Security Administration

APOS Administrator is a high-performance SAP BI administration solution, and provides bulk administrative capabilities for all SAP BI system objects, so it can play a key role in helping you to optimize your SAP BI security structure.

The security of the reports in your BI system is of prime importance, and bulk object management via APOS Administrator presents a streamlined approach to security administration.

Working on Security settings in the Central Management Console, one folder at a time, can be a daunting task, and it’s easy to miss a setting, or forget a folder, and it’s very easy to click the wrong radio button.

Use the Security Management component of APOS Administrator to select groups and folders. These groups and folder then appear in a matrix that allows you to view and assign the required security settings. In addition to assigning the basic built-in security roles, you can also assign any custom roles that you’ve created. Even individual security settings can be Granted or Denied if required.

After making modification to your folder security, you can easily test the security by using APOS Administrator's User Impersonation feature to log in as an affected user to ensure that they will see the folders that you have enabled for them in the security settings.

In summary, you can use APOS Administrator to:
  • Administer and document security
  • Administer and document content
  • Manage and compare multiple environments
  • Perform centralized bulk management of:
    • User preferences
    • Security
    • Users
    • User groups
    • Limits

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